Sugar Technology Division has been the one of the most important division of the institute, engaged in developement of inovative process techniques through enhanced institute industry interaction. Many eminent technologist's surved this division and devloped processes and techniques which are being practiced by the sugar industry globally. The Division is equipped with most advanced instruments to carry out analytical and research work as per ICUMSA prescribed procedures.
The division is actively involved in following activities-
The work of preparation and sale of Indian Sugar Standards has been entrusted to National Sugar Institute, Kanpur by BIS, New Delhi.
As per IS:498, sugar standards are prepared in L-31,M-31,S-31,L-30,M-30,S-30and SS-31 grades. L, M & S denotes grain size and 30 and 31 are color series. As per Gazette notification of India no.-1675 dated 29.08.2011, it is mandatory for every sugar producer to purchase
Sugar standards every year from N.S.I., Kanpur and work their product accordingly by comparing their produce with
these sugar standards. The Division is engaged in carring out research so as to devlop inovative, environment friendly and techno-economic processes for production of sulphur free sugar and also for
facilitating production of better quality sugar in existing sugar plants with lower loss of sugar during processing. The current research projects in hand are-
The Division has to it's credit developement of many technologies resulting into enhanced productivity of the sugar units and in value addition
through better product quality.
Sale of Sugar Standard for the season 2024-25 Click for Circular and
Ongoing Research Projects:
Completed Projects
More than 500 papers and reviews have been published by the department in past in reputed National and International Journals of repute.